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Thinking In A Diagram

Previous: Since the King James Bible was first introduced and the scriptures became available in the English language for the first time ever, the Bible Secret finally became accessible to ordinary people, however …… although the secret is written in plain English, many people just don’t get it, don’t understand it or simply don’t know about it. Even within today’s Christian communities around the world, the true significance and power of this secret is still poorly understood. Those who found the secret and were able to understand it and apply it to their lives, went on to achieve great things.This secret has completely transformed the lives of many ordinary people and brought them untold happiness, joy and fulfilment. And, in many cases, the secret has also brought increased wealth.And the Bible Secret can also completely transform your life.So if you are ready for it. I would like to start by sharing this wonderful and exciting secret with you right away …Here is the Important VerseThis is exactly how the secret appears in the King James Bible …He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Hidden Manna, and will give him a White Stone, and in the stone a New Name written, which no man knoweth saving he that?receiveth it. – Revelation 2:17Now, as with many things in the Bible, this requires a little thinking about to fully digest what we are reading.We take this verse apart and analyse it in more detail within the book so you can be absolutely sure that what follows is a correct interpretation of the true meaning of this text. However, this secret is so powerful and so important that I wanted to make the interpretation freely available for everyone.Here is the key to understanding the true meaning of this verse …The New Name is your Life-PurposeThe Hidden Manna is the Promised RewardThe Seal of this Promise is the White StoneWhen you were born, your destiny was not fixed by God. You were given the gift of freewill and you get to choose how you live your life.You can choose to live your life in your own way or you can choose to release the power of this amazing promise into your life. When you choose to live your Life-Purpose, your life will change for good and, possibly, even beyond recognition. You will reap the promised reward in this life … that is the ‘hidden manna’. And, make no mistake about it, this promise is pure dynamite!The Hidden MannaTo understand a little more about this reward, let’s consider the meaning of the phrase ‘hidden manna’.Manna: Hebrew:??????o? Arabic:???????? Kurdish:?gezo,?? Persian:????????Many descriptions of what is meant by the term ‘manna’ appear all over the internet including the one in Wikipedia. Essentially, manna is the Bread of Heaven that can completely suffice all our Earthly needs. The reward we are here concerned with, however, is ‘hidden manna’ and that relates to something that is not in plain sight. So what then is meant by this intriguing term? The ‘Hidden Manna’ is the provision, sustenance and new life you will experience when you start living your life-purpose.Hidden Manna is God’s promise in this verse.The Bible and ProsperitySo many people seem to misunderstand what the Bible has to say about the subject of money. In fact, it is probably, the single most misunderstood subject in the entire Bible.It is truly astonishing that so many Christians seem to think that God somehow wants them to be poor when nothing could be further from the truth. God’s provision is bountiful, abundant and freely available to those who choose to release the power of this secret into their lives.The misunderstanding arises from the place that money plays in a person’s life. The Bible is clear that it should not be a central place. However, the Bible is also clear that the Earthly needs of the faithful will be met be God himself …Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. – Luke 12, 30-31Notice in the text, the emphasis is on putting the kingdom of God first, rather than putting Earthly needs first. However, also notice that by getting things into the right perspective, the promise that ‘all these things will be added unto you‘ specifically concerns God’s abundant provision.So what exactly does it mean to ‘seek first the Kingdom of God’? It means to find and pursue your Life Purpose; to find your true calling and fulfil your destiny.There really is nothing else that can bring you more satisfaction and reward – yes, both spiritually and materially – in this life.The Church and the SecretWhy is this secret never mentioned in church? This is a very good question and I believe there is a very good answer … The Bible is an amazing book and it is written in such a way that permits revelation to occur at a time that is right for the development of God’s work here on Earth. I personally believe that this revelation is a message for our own time. Although it is plainly written in the Bible, the real meaning of this text has simply not been realized until now.Furthermore, I believe that you will hear this secret spoken about, more and more, and indeed, it will be taught in churches around the world as the church itself awakes to the vital importance of this message.My Search for the White StoneIt was during a pilgrimage to the holy island of Iona that I received my White Stone; the seal of God’s promise of a new, more fulfilling life and that new and exciting life began at that moment.It astonishes me to think back and contemplate just how much my life has changed since then.The fulfilment that comes from pursuing my calling, my true Life Purpose, provides a real sense of joy and achievement that is genuinely difficult to describe..Here are some of the most important and dramatic things that happened:* Discovered My True Calling* Became a Successful Writer & Teacher* Started My Own Successful Business* Founded White Dove Books* Launched My Inspirational NewsletterDon’t get me wrong, I was already living what I thought was a successful life. I already had a successful career in the computing industry. I am a graduate of the University of Birmingham (UK) and a Member of the British Computing Society. My life had been good up to that point. The big difference is that now I am living a much more rewarding (both in spiritual and material terms) fulfilling and enjoyable life.As you can see, my life changed beyond recognition. But this story is not about me …This is about you and your life, where you are going and what God has in store for you. Two Great Bonuses IncludedBonus #1How to PrayBased on The Lord’s Prayer * Prayer is Simple* The Lord’s Prayer* When You Pray* Let God Handle It* Handy ReferenceSupplied in PDF format?Bonus #2Cultivating ContentmentFinancial Principles * The Prodigal Son* Five Important Principles* Which Tent are You Living In?* Becoming a GiverSupplied in PDF formatThe choice is yours of course. That is what is meant by the phrase ‘to him that overcometh’ in the text. But when you offer your life to God, you have quite literally overcome yourself and thereby activated and released the power of this amazing promise into your life.My hope is that you will make that conscious choice to begin living the life you were meant to live; a life that will challenge, excite and reward you in this life as well as the next.You are here to make a difference! Don’t throw away your opportunity.Now revealed in The Bible Secret: The Search for the White Stone the true meaning of this amazing text and its astonishing promise.Discover the Bible’s path to joy, fulfilment and prosperity.Release the power of the Bible Secret into your life.Get your copy of The Bible Secret by Will Edwards delivered immediately by instant download right now …The Bible SecretThe Search for the White Stoneby Will Edwards ?* The Bible Secret Revealed* The Hidden Manna* Finding Your Life Purpose* Overcoming Yourself* Prosperity and the Bible* What God Wants for You* When Will You See Results* Your White Stone* Activating the Bible Secret in Your Life* And Much More …This book is now available in PDF format!7,000 Words of Quality Biblical AnalysisGreat DealIncluding 2 Fantastic BonusesYes PleaseGive Me Instant Access to:The Bible SecretThe Search for the White Stone by Will EdwardsAnd the Additional Bonuses:How to Pray &Cultivating ContentmentToday Only $12 ?Order Securely Processedin Your Local CurrencyWhy is Your Price so Low?We are passionate about this message. We believe that every human being has the capability of becoming a person who can truly make a difference in the world; and it is our mission to help by providing products of outstanding value that help people develop and realize their full potential.We also strongly believe in the principle of Value-for-Money and we are able to make this exceptional offer because of our very low overheads operating on the Internet.About Will EdwardsWill EdwardsFounder of White Dove Books“Personal Development is my passion. I believe that life holds a specific purpose for you; and the most important thing you can do is … find it.” - Will EdwardsPersonal Mission StatementTo walk humbly with God, live a balanced life and focus my lifework around the principle of encouraging others.Mission StatementWhite Dove Books exists to help people develop their own unique talents, abilities and passion in order that they may lead more meaningful, joyful and fulfilled lives.The Bible Secret?The Search for the White Stone

Thinking In A Diagram

Thinking In A Diagram – Click To Full Download

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This eBook will give you the skills you need for those daily difficulties.?

This eBook will improve your life.

Our minds do not turn the stress response off once a danger has passed.

Can we even begin to understand stress and the toll it takes on our bodies and brains?

The psychoeducation contained in this eBook is?

THE hallmark coping technique.


(Cognitive Behavioral Training)


(1) It will improve your physical health, emotional health and interpersoanl relations.

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(4) There are people fearful, anxious, or even too proud to attend therapy to receive psychoeducation, the eBook will allow for such in privacy.

(5) Research reflects you have to hear something 6 times before you internalize it. The eBook will allow you to review as one needs over the course of time.

These are all real issues and legitimate concerns & that is why I wrote this eBook – to help you.

If someone tells you it is “effortless” or “you will learn to easily and effortlessly manage your stress and tension,” – it just is not so.

The Thinking In A Diagram method has a learning curve just as when you learn anything new.

It could take you as soon as a month or two or as long as six to seven to twelve months.

Be honest with yourelf and truly think about this opportunity.

You did not get this way overnight and it will take you more than overnigt to unlearn and relearn.

There is work involved.

You must actively participate.

What makes THINKING IN A DIAGRAM a different ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?product than all the rest?

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It does not TALK about what anxiety?

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or what HAPPENS in your brain?


or how depression is DIAGNOSED

or the physiological EFFECTS.





because you will need to utlize it on a daily basis – ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?more than once!

The eBook is written in clear, bullpoint and?

straight-forward style and language.

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