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CLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! Dear Friend,Have you ever blown a walkup, maybe at the very beginning – or perhaps you had a good rapport and conversation going with the woman, and then for whatever reason – maybe God was pissed off at you that day or you got “cock blocked” or for whatever reason the seduction fell flat on its face, but you knew you’d see her again later and wished you had a way to get inside her thoughts and change her mind about you…Or maybe you’ve secretly wanted that special girl who just wasn’t available or interested, and you just wished you had a way to get past her conscious mind’s filters and communicate directly with that part of her mind where she gets aroused and attracted to someone…I’ve been there too, what I’m about to tell you might be shocking, but IT CAN BE DONE!In fact, it’s even possible to attract (and sleep with!) women you might have blow it with the first time you tried to seduce them.If your girlfriend is just teetering back and forth between resisting and wanting to shove your love wand deep inside her, there’s something that can help get past her barriers and resistance so she just can’t help herself and has to be with you..My name is Jim Knippenberg, and I’ve used the skills I’m about to tell you about to meet women in public, to get women at places I hang out at to become interested in me (and ask ME out!), and even get women online to meet me. (And make out and go to bed with me on the first date!) And your Age difference does NOT matter! I’ve even used these secrets to meet AND SLEEP WITH a Hot 19 and 20 year olds, even though I’m in my 30′s!Oh, did I mention I’m short, fat, more than 11 years older than they were, and out of shape?Once you know the secrets of telepathic influence and once you invade her mind in such a way that she can’t tell her own thoughts from your thoughts, you’ve got an open door to arousing her in ways that seem totally natural for her to experience…Some of these secrets of remote psychic influence have been around for more than 13,000 years, but many so-called experts don’t give you all the steps you need. I’m not just gonna give you detailed information you need to make your telepathic seductions work, I’m even gonna show you a virtually “foolproof” method of dreamtime seduction. If you can go to sleep, you can get this course to work for you!These methods are REAL, and they WORK! Anyone who is willing to invest some time to do a few simple drills can get these skills to work for you! It does take some practice and effort, but that so-called “effort” is almost nothing compared to the power you’ll have with women once you know how to turn them on in this way! Telepathic Dream Invader’s is like the “Holy Grail” of psychic skills, and I can hardly wait to describe to you in all its glorious detail what you’re getting inside this course! But before I tell you just how much you’ll benefit from getting this course, let me tell you what OTHER people are saying about me and my products! “Another one most don’t know about is Jim Knippenberg. Regardless of what [other trainer's name bleeped out!] says about Jim’s work (evil work of the Devil), buy all of his stuff you can! “It is pure gold and can be easily used with Huna, with Manifestation, and with living a fun, enjoyable and productive life. “Sincerely, Dr. John M. La Tourrette” (Former “Speed Life” Trainer from Medford, Oregon. 10th Degree Black Belt, Huna Kumu, Co-Developer of UltraMind ESP Remote Viewing / Remote Influencing program, “The Speedman,” mentaltrainingsecrets.com ) “You should raise your prices!” David A., Falls Church, VA “Jim, I love your materials!” Greg Radke, Ogden, Utah And those are just a few of the comments I get! I haven’t even told you about all of the satisfied ebay buyers! And I guarantee you’ll enjoy the course! So you know when you buy it now, you’re getting real gold for your money! I won’t even tell you here about the 4 books I’ve written, the 10 training manuals, the email home study course on Psychic Close Encounters Dream Invaders, the online “Elite Inner Circle Members Only Training Area”, the CD set on How To Get Virtually Any Woman’s Undivided Attention In Just 30 Seconds Or Less! My DVD course on Using Remote Influence And Energy Influence For Having Better Sex! My DVD Course on “Overcome Your Fear of Meeting Women In Just One Evening… And Start To Become A Casanova Instead!” Or my DVD on “Forgotten Love Spells of Ancient Hawaii… Let me instead tell you about the real guy behind all those awesome materials. I mean I LOVES to eat. And even though I’m short and fat, I get women to light up like Christmas trees around me when guys half my weight and much better looking can hardly get women to give them the time of day! The first time this stuff worked for me, my eyes almost popped out of my head like on the cartoons! What I found out shocked me and I began to understand why I got turned down so many times in the past, and better yet how to fix it – and that all attraction takes place at the energy level – you can’t even get turned on unless the right energies for being turned on are there. Well what I didn’t know was women are the same way. It’s NOT their fault if they’re not turned on. They can’t help it one way or the other.But you can learn how to turn her on in ways she doesn’t even know exist!And more importantly, I’m going to show you how to turn on those wonderful energies that make women want to be with you! I figured if some short, fat “old” (I’m almost 40!) pizza junkie can do it, so can you!!!Even if you’re a “Jabba the fat,” the magic can work for you too! Let Me Show You How!Let me tell you some of what I teach you how to do in this “Psychic Close Encounters Dream Invaders” Crash Course – I pack more information in his Crash Course than you’ll find in many other people’s so-called “advanced” courses! Here’s a small taste of what you’re about to learn:Simple Dream Invader Technique – if you can go to sleep, you can do this one!The Most Important Psychic Skill You Need For Success – And How To Use It To Get What You Want!Know Ahead Of Time If She Will Be Easy To Influence Or Not So You Get The Best Results For Your Efforts!Protect Yourself From Unwanted & Accidental Psychic Attacks Against You While You Sleep!How To Build Up Nearly Irresistable Thoughts & Feelings Inside Her Mind!Common Psychic Attack People Accidentally Do All The Time, And What You Should Do Instead If You Want Her!How To Use Dreams To Get Even With The Guy Who Stole Your Woman And Those Who Done You Wrong!How To Bless And Help Those You Like And Appreciate!Accidental “Black Magick” That Happens All The Time, And Most People Don’t Know It’s Happening!And that’s just a tiny taste of what you get inside the downloadable audio mp3 file that come with the course!But Wait! There’s More… I’m also including lesson one of the email seminar I did on Dream Invader’s For Some Of My Elite “Inner Circle” Customers! Here’s just some of what’s included in that incredible session:Ever Got What You DIDN’T Want Instead Of What You Did Want? Her’s How To Fix It!Secret Strategy To Avoid Future Disappointments & Let-DownsSecret To ABUNDANCE In Whatever You Do!A Sure-Fire Way To Get Rejected By Women You Probably Don’t Know You’re DoingStupid Mistake Many Guys Are Making, Day After Day With The Women They Want To Sleep With!Just Fix This One Thing & Drastically Improve Your Results With Women!Amazing Truth About A Psychic Researcher Who Litterally FORCED His Subjects To Obey His Mental Commands!Tried Dream Telepathy Before And Failed? Discover Why Many Of These Experiments Fail – And What To Do Instead!Unleash The Power Of Hypnotic Conditioning – On Your Mind AND Her’s!Combine Your Telepathic Commands With Covert Hypnosis Tactics For A Powerful 1-2-3 “Punch!”How To Covertly Set Up Her Subconscious Mind Ahead Of Time So You Can Hijack Her Dreams At Night!Discover The Different Types Of Telepathy And How To Use Them To Get What You Want From Her!But wait! I’m not finished piling on the bonuses yet! No Sir-ee!I’ve got yet another exciting bonus for you!CLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! This is a manual I wrote awhile back that is chock-full of awesome information that Puts You In Charge of your life instead of “hoping and praying” that someday lady luck would smile on you… The Ancient Kahuna did not sit around, whining, whimpering, and begging their “God” for assistance. The Ancient Kahuna KNEW what they wanted and they DEMANDED that they get it! Who is at cause in your life? You? Or someone else? I don’t care what your religious beliefs are or are not. You can keep your beliefs. But maybe, just maybe, if you set them on the shelf long enough to try something else out, and have the experience of success… The only valid proof is what actually works . Here’s just a drop in the bucket of what’s included in this special report:Secret accupressure points to jump-start your psychic abilities with women!Secret Breathing Techniques of the Ancient Kahuna to Supercharge you with psychic force!How-To-Tap into Universal Laws which work for EVERYONE who knows how to use them!How most people are walking around with “half a mind,” and how to make sure you’re not making the same mistake!Black Magick “good” church people don’t know they’re doing, and how it gives them more of what they DON’T want!How to keep your family and friends from interfering with your success!And much, much more…But WAIT! There’s More! A chart with the secret energy flow that MUST be activated in order for her to like you! (If you’re attracing women WITHOUT this being activated at least accidentally, I’ll almost bet you 10 to 1 you’re not picking up nearly the quality of women you’re capable of attracting!)This knowledge alone is well-worth the entire price of the course! I’ve used this one energy flow with dreamtime influence and also while making out with women to get them to really enjoy being with you ! I’ve even used this with remote influence to get inside women who said they were not interested in having sex with me! I don’t know what results you’ll have with this knowledge , but I know this ONE piece of knowledge is worth the price of the entire course to me! It usually only gets activated “accidentally,” but with knowledge, you can use it on purpose! One thing’s for sure: Unless you’re paying a hooker for sex, it’s almost impossible to get laid UNLESS you have the correct energy attractor field activated! All this, and I still haven’t told you about the final bonus, for the first 55 people who Buy Now! This book was originally only available to my “Inner Circle” customers, but I’m making it available to you too, if you’re one of the first 55 to Buy Now. This book on Psychic Close Encounters Telepathy is a $50 value. But you can get it as a free bonus, when you’re one of the first 55 to respond to this ad right now. Here’s just some of what’s covered in this booklet:Secrets Of Telepathic CommunicationHow To Do Effective Remote InfluenceMental Telegrams To “Surgically” Implant Your Thoughts Inside Her MindHow To Set Up Covert Anchors Insider Her Subconscious MindHow To Set Up And Trigger Hypnotically Conditioned Responses Inside HerPressure Points That Assist In The Telepathic Projection Of Your IntentionTraining Drill For Mind Reading You Use In Traffic To Know What Others Will Do BEFORE They Cut You Off!Secret Way To Get Her So Turned On She Can’t Control Her Horny Urges!Two Ways To Do Remote Influence INCLUDING how to use “stealth mode” thought invadersCloud Her Mind So She Can’t Tell The Difference Between Your Thoughts And Her Own Lustful Thoughts! (I SWEAR It Doesn’t Involve Alcohol Or Date Rape Drugs!!!)But Wait! I Pack MORE Stuff Insider This Incredible Bonus Training Manual…The Best time to do psychic influenceWhat to do if they are “pre-occupied” with other thoughts or emotions that are blocking your influenceHow to use dream time to influence meetings in your favor ahead of timeHow to become more sensitive (receptive) to psychic impressionsWhy planned dream experiments between a “sender” and a “receiver” don’t work as well as normal dream telepathyHow to tell if she’s lying to you!Why coin tosses, dice rolls, and knowing which playing card someone is thinking of are all poor psychic “tests”Covert Way To Sneak In To Her Energy Field And Read Her Mind Without Ever Saying A WordKnow Ahead Of Time If She’s Ready To Kiss You!How to expand the awarenss of your physical senses and start to see / sense “invisible” energiesHow to command the use your psychic skills with online dating when you’re surfing for datesHow to avoid nut cases and wackosHow to use the way SHE thinks naturally to communicate with her subconscious mind”Muscle reading” or “Mentalism” isn’t a psychic skill, but here’s how to use it to your advantage while you make out!How to use muscle reading techniques while you “suck face” to get her to grope you first!How to combine subtle body cues with telepathic suggestions to prime her pump to get her hot & heavy for you!How to use covert language patterns to pre-condition her to open up to your dreamtime influences!How to know the best time to influence her, even if she’s on the other side of the planet!A nearly “fool-proof” method to get to the correct level of mind for telepathically sedction while she sleepsSo what’s the catch?I do ask that you agree to only purchase this course for yourself. It is NOT for resale or redistribution. When you purchase you agree that you will not resell or redistribute this course. That’s fair enough. Especially considering all the knowledge and experience you’re getting when you purchase and study and actually DO the techniques inside these materials! So how much is all this gonna “cost” you? Let’s review what you’re getting: The mp3 file from my audio CD on “The Lazy Person’s Guide To Effective Dream Invaders”. It’s not Walt Disney productions. It’s recorded and duplicated on a home computer. But you’re getting awesome information on this instant dowload mp3 for immediate access. A $29 Value Lesson 1 of an “Advanced” Dream Invader’s email I taught — at least a $30 value. Bonus #1 Report on Ancient Secrets of the Non-Local Universe You Can Use to Attract Virtually Anything You Want In Life, Including The Woman Of Your Dreams!!! A $30 Value Bonus #2 Chart of the energy field that you must have activated on yourself and in her for her to fall in love with you. I went to a seminar that cost me over $1500 bucks to attend just to learn this one! And you can even activate it and energize it with your hands while you’re making out with her! I know I have! AND, Bonus #3 for the first 55 who Buy Now, the Telepathic Home Study Manual, a $50 value. That’s at least $139 of materials JAM-PACKED with information YOU can use to attract more women into your life! But for a limited time only during our marketing test — and we reserve the right to withdrawl this offer at any time — you can buy this home study crash course on how to Secretly Seduce Her While She Sleeps… for LESS than HALF PRICE! But WAIT!There’s even more!For a limited time only during our marketing test – and I reserve the right to withdrawl this offer at any time – you can buy this home study crash course on how to Secretly Seduce Her While She Sleeps… AND GET A BONUS 59 minute video – a $97 VALUE! (by it-self worth MORE than the price of this entire course!) as my free bonus just to thank you for trying this course! The video is available in two versions – a video format for Mac users and a video format for Windows Media Player users.Buy now and get this home study course for just $49 bucks, and I’ll show you the download link to gain instant access to this incredible information!IMAGINE the power you’re going to have when you practice these skills and start to easily use them every day! So order it now while you still can! Sincerely, Jim KnippenbergCLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! P.S. Remember, you get the audio mp3, the lesson from Jim’s Dream Invader email seminar, the chart on one of the most important radiant energies to use for remote influence and in person to get her to fall in love with you , the bonus on Secrets of the Non-Local Universe, AND, you also get the $50 manual on telepathic communication that gives you tips and tricks to read her mind, influence her in her dreams, and even subtle tips she won’t know you’re using to unlock the animal inside her as you make out with her! Hurry and order your’s while you still can! All this PLUS the 59 minute video file (an additional $97 value!) as a free bonus so order yours today!
September 10, 2012, 3:57 am
Next: That’s about as fair as it gets, don’t you agree?Click Here To Start Reading Tarot Today!NOTE: We use ClickBank to process all orders. ClickBank utilizes the strongest security and anti-fraud features available on the Internet and never stores your financial data on their system! But I tell you what I’ll also do to make this the best investment you ever make.I’m going to throw in some free bonuses which could literally turn you into a Tarot whiz in a matter of days.So if you grab your copy of “Easy Tarot Reading” right now, here’s what I’ll throw in (and yes these are worth more in dollar terms than the whole book):LIMITED TIME – FREE BONUS?REPORTS VALUED AT $125.00!Free Bonus #1 – Tarot Layouts and Spreads?($17 Value)Immediately after ordering my course I’ll share with you where you can freely find huge amounts of Tarot Spreads available for you to use for any situation and for any question you might have.Try out the many layouts and find which ones work best for you.Free Bonus #2 – Step By Step Tarot Reading?($10 Value)This step-by-step outline will help you through your first readings.Print out this short report and have it next to you as you start your way through your first readings.Free Bonus #3 – Tips for Making Money with Tarot($10 Value and possibly much much more)This special report will guide you with your first steps towards making money with your new Tarot Reading Abilities.Within a few months time you may be able to earn back the price of this book by doing just 1 reading.Free Bonus #4 – How to Write Your Tarot Journal($10 Value)No tool will help you improve your readings as much as keeping a Tarot Journal. This report will guide you with information on how to start and use your Tarot Journal.?By writing a Tarot Journal you’ll be able to see how accurate your readings are and how you can improve them. You’ll start learning the cards’ personal meaning to you, and become a true Tarot professional.Free Bonus #5 – Tarot History($13 Value)Interested in a little background? Want to learn how Tarot developed over the years? This special “Academic” report will cover the evolution of Tarot.Free Bonus #6 – How to design your own Tarot Deck($10 Value)A lot of readers move on to develop their own deck. Once you advance you might feel the need to express your Tarot knowledge by developing your own Tarot deck.Having your own deck is not only an art form but also a great tool to increase the accuracy of your readings.Free Bonus #7 – How to handle a Bad Reading($12 Value)This report is extremely important and covers a topic every Tarot reader experiences. How do you handle a negative reading? Is the future set with negative possibilities? What you must do in order to avoid letting the bad reading take over your life.Free Bonus #8 – Tarot Career Guidance ($10 Value)Learn how to use the cards to make important career decisions.Do you have questions about your career? Do you want to know how you really feel about your current situation??Let the Tarot guide you to your answers.Free Bonus #9 – Tarot Positive Thinking($13 Value)Negative thinking means living in a negative world. Sometimes we let our negative thoughts dictate our reality.?Learn how to use the cards to get out of your negative thinking cage in almost any situation.Free Bonus #10 – Tarot Spiritual Guidance($10 Value)This special report will guide you with taking the first steps to spiritual development. Your Tarot deck will be your #1 tool along the way.Free Bonus #11 – Understanding Your Reading($10 Value)This report discusses the important topic of not using the cards just “by the book”. Your tarot deck has more messages hidden than the ones described in your Tarot books. Set your mind free as you learn to connect to your true intuition.But … I don’t know how long I’ll keep these bonuses up there. It’s part of a marketing test I’m doing. They’re worth a lot to me in my heart, and at any time I could take them down forever. So if you want them, get in quick!Click Here & Start Reading in 5 MinutesWishing you great happiness and great success on your new journey.Warmly,Daniel Brown P.S. Don’t forget, you can hold the amazing power of the Tarot?for less than a price of one reading.?P.S.?The information in my course will set you on an amazing journey. You will soon be accessing powers within yourself you didn’t know exist. Click To Get Your Book Right Now!NOTE: We use ClickBank to process all orders. ClickBank utilizes the strongest security and anti-fraud features available on the Internet and never stores your financial data on their system! Your credit card data is passed directly to the bank and no one but bank has access to your sensitive information. ClickBank is also approved by the Better Business Bureau! All I can say is WOW!? THANKS A MILLION Daniel!? … I can see now its going to make things a lot easier for me … Thank you again. Gill B.Copyright 2012. EasyTarotReading.com -? Affiliates?
Previous: New Bonus Feature:E-book “Portal to Spirit – Transition 2012″“Are You Ready to Find out How to Tap Into Your True Potential by Using Your Intuition and Natural Psychic Powers with a Proven, Step-by-Step System to Achieve Success in Your Career, Money, Love, Family, Relationships and Health?”Discover the Truth behind the 4 Biggest Misconceptions About the Development of Your Psychic Abilities and How they can Help You to Improve Your Life! Tuesday, 8:35 a.m.From the desk of: Annette SassouAnnette Sassou Psychic Medium and Spiritual Counselor Dear friend,I have a confession to make….. Before I became a Psychic Medium and Mentor for my students I have to admit, that I was very apprehensive about the development of psychic powers.Yes, you heard right. Sure I had psychic dreams here and there or I just knew what would happen sometimes, but I had a few reasons why I didn’t want to take a closer look at it…..After speaking with my students, I found out that I was not the only one that was hesitant in the beginning.It turns out that there are 4 common misconceptions about the development of psychic abilities.Here they are:1. That it is against religious believes2. That it attracts dark forces3. That You will only foresee negative events4. That only a few chosen ones have this giftLet’s take a closer look at each one of them:1. That it is against religious believes:The three big religions Christianity, Judaism and Islam all base their believe system in part on the old testament of the bible.In the Old Testament it says that there was a dream interpreter named “Joseph-The Owner of the Dream”. He was an advisor of the pharaoh and was a respected man. He was obviously a psychic and it was quite alright back then – and so it is today. 2. That it attracts dark forces:Just as in any profession you can make a conscious decision in which direction you want to go:In the case of the psychic world you can make a conscious decision to work only with positive energies, angels and the connection to God (Or the source). So your focus can be clearly on the positive forces and energies, thus manifesting only positive experiences.3. That you will only foresee negative events:Before I refined my psychic abilities I used to have bad dreams that turned out to be true. So I was very hesitant to learn it. I found out that the right attitude towards these events is very important.And once I entered the psychic world I received more and more positive information and with the help of angels and the healing energies of The Source (God, Creator, Spirit) I was able to help others and myself. The thing is, when you have psychic experiences, the spirit world is trying to tell you that it’s important to take a closer look at the possibility that you are in fact psychic. Now if you would have only nice dreams you wouldn’t pay much attention to it. They need to get your attention in a more dramatic way by sending you dreams that you’ll remember.And so once you are opening your mind to the possibilities of the spirit world you will be able to see wonderful things happening.4. That only a few chosen ones have a psychic gift:Fact is that everyone is born psychic and that it gets lost over time.That’s why children are usually more psychic. They might see their grandma that has already passed. Or Children that speak different languages are able to play with each other and understand each other.It is now up to you to reawaken this gift…The beauty of discovering your own spirituality is that you will be able to connect better to The Source, The Universe or God (with respect of what you want to call it) and with it to send out your wishes and desires by using manifestations. Today is the Day That Could Changethe Rest of Your Life!May I ask you a question? Did you try before to get information about psychic development? Was it easy to understand?Now I don’t know about you, but when I started to read books about it I was more confused afterwards…. Most of them were written in a very hard to understand style and they usually didn’t come with audios so it didn’t reach all my senses.Or they were just audios and I forgot quickly what they were saying…. While helping my clients with spiritual counseling I founded The Psychic Institute with the intend of developing an easy-to-follow, interactive and proven step-by-step system specifically designed to help people like you to develop your intuition and psychic powers and achieve your goals.Now, if you are not sure yet that you actually have psychic powers or if you are a little skeptical that these abilities work … Let me assure you that these powers do exist (everyone has them) and they do work!In fact, many of the most powerful people in the world use psychic powers to succeed, though many don’t even realize it!Take any head of a company. Most of his decisions will be based on a gut feeling. Of course, he will first get all the information he needs, but the final word comes from his inner voice. This inner voice or intuition is one of the “psychic abilities” I’m going to help you learn to cultivate – and let me tell you, developing this power will quickly lead to success in a variety of areas in your life!If You Have Ever Dreamed of Being Truly Successful in Both Your Personal & Professional Life & Imagined All the Benefits That Come With That, Such as:Being able to sleep well at night Being able to go through the day with no stress and no worriesBeing able to constantly experience feelings of true happiness and contentmentBeing able to escape the competitiveness, the backstabbing and the long hours of the rat raceBeing able to spend more quality time with your family Being able to live a life of INDEPENDENT WEALTH!Then This is Your Chance to Finally Stop Dreaming & Make It All a Wonderful Reality! Introducing The Ultimate Guide toUnleash Your Inner Psychic Course …(Order Now to Secure Our Best & Most Valuable Deal)The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course contains everything you need to develop your psychic abilities and achieve your goals, including information-packed manuals, audios featuring effective mental exercises and specially created music to keep you focused, a workbook that will keep you on track to success and much, much more.Get this course today and you’ll learn:The absolute best way to start developing your psychic powers – follow this technique and you’ll be using your powers and achieving your goals in no time! How to enter the psychic world with a “Safety Belt” which will allow you to attract only positive energies and bans all negative energies. You will be able to use this in the real world by attracting only positive people instead of negative one. How to find your true calling – and use this as motivation to develop your psychic powers faster than you ever imagined possible How to reach your inner psychic mind – you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple steps!Techniques for quickly developing your own psychic powers, talents and gifts – find out what works best for you and achieve rapid psychic development! 4 ways to reduce stress – and why being able to “let go” is vitally important to your psychic developmentNumerous ways to apply your psychic knowledge to make your daily life easier How to create a “space” that will help you easily connect with your divine self – plus, two ways to protect your space from negative energies! How to meditate properly – you would be surprised at how many people do this wrong … find out the right way and speed up your psychic development! How to breathe during meditation – learning how to breathe is fundamental to reducing your stress level so you can open up your aura and unleash your inner psychic!How to create your own “personal beach of time” – sounds relaxing doesn’t it? Well, you haven’t experienced true relaxation until you learn how to do this! Two techniques for keeping yourself grounded during meditation – plus, how to determine which technique is best for you! 6 tips on how to prepare and protect yourself best on your journey to psychic success – these tips will also show you how to protect yourself and/or recover from getting “drained!”How to learn to trust your abilities and the spirits that guide you – this is often particularly hard for beginners to do … learn how you can overcome this obstacle quickly and easily!How to overcome any doubt and skepticism you might feel – plus, how to develop the patience you need to succeed in developing your psychic powers! How to call your spiritual guide or guardian angelHow to contact a loved one that has passedHow to achieve your goals easilyHow to remove memories of unpleasant events from your mindHow to clear and balance your energy systemHow to clear your chakras or “energies” to restore your auraHow to create a protective barrier around yourselfHow to get in touch with your inner voiceHow to accomplish your goals by using your innate psychic powersThe ethics involved with using your psychic powers … and more!The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic is a Complete Roadmap to Success That Shows You Exactly How to Develop Your Psychic Powers & How to Use Them in Your Daily Life – Get An Advantage!Let me ask you: Have you ever had a “gut feeling” or “instinct” telling you not to do something and it turned out to be right?That was your Intuition and Psychic Abilities connecting with you.Ever have a dream about something and then it actually happened in real life? That was you getting a message from your psychic mind.Now let me ask you something else: Have you ever studied for an exam but still went into it thinking,” I am going to fail this one …” And when you got the results, you actually did fail it?What happened in this instance is something very powerful: you entered the information “fail the exam” into your subconscious, or psychic mind, and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy!But here’s the bright side: If this works negatively, it’s also got to work positively, right? So why not learn how to imprint all the positive information you’d like on your psychic mind and let it become self-fulfilling prophecy?Think of how much better your life would become!Well, that’s exactly what The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic shows you how to do. You’ll learn how to tap into your innate psychic abilities and use them to get an almost “unfair advantage” in your everyday life! “But How Do I Know For Sure That This Course Will Work for Me?”The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic can help anyone draw out their psychic powers. Maybe you already have experienced some form of psychic abilities. Read on to see if the following has occurred to you: You have always felt as if you’ve had the power to envision and see things even before they happenSomeone has told you that you have a gift, a kind of fore-sight or sense of what is to comeYou’ve had dreams that later occurred in real lifeYou’ve felt déjà vu (that is, you’ve felt as if you had experienced an exact situation before, where everybody said and did exactly the same things. Even the sounds around you were the same) You’ve ‘sensed’ and deeply knew that you had been at a certain location, place or time in your life before and have no means of explaining it You decided not to do something because your gut told you that something was amiss there, only to discover that something bad happened Sometimes you hear the phone ring and you know who is calling (without peeking at the caller ID..)If any of the above situations are familiar to you, then you likely have psychic abilities already! You just haven’t learned to realize, harness and utilize them yet.The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic will teach you how to quickly and easily begin taking advantage of those powers to reach and accomplish your goals throughout your life! Have You Ever Wondered How Some People Have Lives Filled with Success, Love & Happiness While Others Struggle & Fail With Everything They Do?What are the successful people doing differently? Well, chances are, whether they realize it or not, they have learned to tap into their innate psychic abilities.Let me give you an example of a successful friend of mine.Her name is Erin and she is one of these “wonder-women.” She has a great career as a writer, is married with two children and lives in a beautiful home. Whenever I talk with her, she tells me with excitement and in every detail about her plans for her next book. She is deeply convinced this book will be a success. Then she shows me her list of goals with pride. Especially the ones she’s checked off as “achieved.”Once she had them written down she planted them in her psychic mind with a technique I reveal in The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course.Learn to use this special technique and you too could find sex, love and happiness no matter how much you’ve struggled in the past!With The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course, You Will Also Learn How to Communicate the “Psychic Way”!That’s right, you will learn how to develop your telepathic skills and start communicating the “psychic way”!You’ll learn:How to read other people’s minds and speak telepathically to themHow to communicate with animalsTwo ways to know if your pet is sick10 ways to use animal communication in your daily lifeHow to activate clairaudience (hear voices from the spirit world) in four easy stepsAnd much, much more!Just consider: How would your life change if you had the power to know what others are thinking? Well, I know that my life changed dramatically once I was able to understand others better and to communicate to them what was on my mind without saying a word. Here are some of the areas where you could use your newfound telepathic communication skills:When dealing with customers or coworkers to make your conversations and meetings turn out more productive When you are around your spouse, to gain a deeper understanding of him or her When purchasing something, to know if the salesperson is taking advantage of you With these new skills you will also be able to:Improve your “people skills” Contact people – if you can’t reach a person, just pick up your “telepathic telephone!” Finally understand your pet Get your pet to listen better to your commands The possibilities are endless …You’ll Enrich Your Life & Inspire & Influence Those Around You When You Develop Your Psychic & Telepathic Powers!And thanks to the in-depth information and effective exercises included in The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course, developing your psychic powers has never been easier! This course contains all the tips, tools, techniques and secrets you need to know to develop your own, real psychic powers that you will be able to use at will to:Take control over your destinyAttract wealth and financial freedomCreate the career or business opportunity you’ve always wantedSolve conflicts quickly without artificial dialoguesGet healthyCreate better family relationshipsMake better decisions (by tapping into your inner voice)Find your psychic purposeLet go of stress and relaxBecome more groundedBalance your lifeFeel safe and protectedFind your true callingAchieve all your goals in the areas of Health, Career, Finances, Relationships and LoveCreate success in all your endeavorsImprove your relationshipsGet in touch with your inner voiceClear and balance your energy system (Chakras)Communicate with animals – finally, your pet will listen to your commands and will be able to tell you where it’s hurting in case of injury or illness.And much, much more!I Firmly Believe That This is the Best, Most Comprehensive Course on How to Develop Psychic Powers That’s Ever Been Created!But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what others have to say about the amazing Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course:“Annette, I’m a firm believer in psychic ability… not because I’ve read tons of books, listened to hours of audios and heard ‘through the grapevine’ that some people have the ability… I’ve activated the potential and use it myself.Many people – even today – remain skeptical about psychic phenomena, even though the US military itself spends millions of dollars every year in research and training for psychic abilities… I’m living proof that psychic abilities work and I must say that your Course is one of the best to teach others how to harness the subtle energy of the mind for this purpose.Sadly, many people who claim to be professional psychics are charlatans, due to their own lack of self-confidence in having genuine abilities. These abilities are nothing supernatural… they’re perfectly natural but we’ve forgotten how to use them.Thank you for releasing this incredible course on Unleashing Your Inner Psychic. This material has the potential to give humanity a quantum-leap in higher consciousness and better control of our lives. Highly recommended.”Jason Mangrum, Founderhttp://www.wealthmoneyandpower.com/“Your Guide to Universal Excellence”“This is a great course for learning to unleash your psychic ability. Since I was about 13 years old I’ve been practicing and working on building my own psychic abilities. As a 13 year old, I had a hard time finding any kinds of reading material on psychic ability and how to use it. I wish this course had been created back then, because it would’ve given me an edge and helped me out a great deal. I see many of the techniques I learned on my journey from various different resources are all in your course, and that makes it simple for those who don’t have the time to seek out each technique individually.For anyone out there that has been curious, wants to increase their psychic abilities, wants to harness their psychic abilities, and especially those who are starting from scratch in developing psychic abilities, I believe that this course has what you’re looking for and will certainly be able to guide you in the right direction to attaining that which you seek in life.Jambhala RingpoBritish Columbia, Canadahttp://www.rainbowsorcery.com/So What Are You Waiting For?Order The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course Today & Learn Everything You Need To Know to Develop Your Psychic Powers & Begin Achieving Your Goals!Plus, Order Now & You Can Save MoneyBy Taking Advantage of My Special Promotional Offer!How much would you expect to pay for tips, techniques and secrets that quite literally could change your life and allow you to turn your dreams into reality?Certainly, even hundreds of dollars would not be unreasonable, as you are sure to earn much more than that with the career advancement this system is sure to foster – and don’t forget how much happier and more content you’ll become by implementing the techniques contained in this course!So in reality, “hundreds of dollars” would be a mere drop in the bucket compared to the benefits awaiting you when you complete this course. But relax you still won’t have to pay near that much for The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course.In fact, right now, for a limited time, you can take advantage of a special promotional offer and receive The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course for $97 – that’s a full $60 off the regular price of $157! Let me ask you another quick question:Have you ever contacted or considered contacting a psychic to find answers to your questions? If so, complete this course and you won’t need to pay anyone to tell you how your life will turn out! You’ll be able to know all on your own!Think of all the money you will save! Psychics can be very expensive, especially when you consider that, according to statistics, 70% of people who visit a psychic become dependant on their advice and are increasingly unable to make their own decisions going forward.Don’t Put Your Destiny in the Hands of Someone Else, Develop Your Own Natural Gifts & Chart Your Own Path to Success!The wisdom of the psychic world has been used for centuries in Europe and here in the US. There are now numerous TV shows that have finally acknowledged using your psychic gifts (which everyone possesses) can help and empower you to succeed in every day life.So what could you accomplish with your psychic gifts?Some people are just using their psychic abilities as a hobby, which could be fun …But what if you could actually use them to take control over your life and achieve your goals?It’s possible when you complete The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course. Many years of testing, research and experience went into this system. I interviewed many experts and tried all the techniques myself. The result is this comprehensive course, and a life exactly as I planned it a few years ago. By using these techniques, I am now married to the love of my life and living in the house I always wanted. Plus, I have a business I love and the financial freedom I always dreamed of. In addition to all of this I am on a spiritual journey that is one of the most exciting things I’ve ever done. I’m offering you the same opportunity to achieve what I’ve achieved. Are you ready to get started? Here’s What You Get When You Order Now:For your convenience, The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course is available in a Digital version.You will receive your course materials immediately via Internet download and can print out the written material that you need! Course materials include:· The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course Manuals:These two big, fat, “beefy” guides, which contain well over a combined 100 pages of cold hard content, are written in a simple and easy to follow style, and clearly lay out everything you need to know to begin using your psychic abilities to the maximum … from A-Z. When I set out to write these guides I wanted them to be amazing products . . . comprehensive yet simple to follow, written in PLAIN English so that they’re dead-easy to read and understand … PLUS logically laid out.At the same time, I wanted ANYONE to be able to start utilizing their psychic abilities as fast as humanly possible so I made a promise to myself . . . not to hold anything back from you.I believe I have created the ultimate learning tools for anyone interested in developing their psychic abilities and achieving their goals.And that’s why you should own this course today. · The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course Audios:Featuring the complete content of the manuals plus mental exercises with music that are sure to help you develop your psychic abilities quickly and easily.You’ll get over 2 hours, 30 minutes of convenient audio that is jam-packed with the expert advice, cutting-edge information and effective exercises you need to get the maximum benefits from your psychic abilities.One of the chief benefits of audio is that you can listen anytime, anywhere, 24/7 – including while you do other things, such as commuting to work, waiting to pick up your children from an activity, working out at the gym, exercising at home, doing household chores, jogging, walking, at night while your partner sleeps (you won’t keep them awake by having a light on), and much, much more!Plus, the audio files for this course are available via instant download so you can begin listening to them and benefiting from their amazing content in just minutes from now!· The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course Interactive Workbook “The Book of Wisdom”:This workbook has been specially designed to keep you on track to developing your psychic abilities as fast as possible and is sure to be a valuable resource that you turn to again and again for answers to your psychic questions!· The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course Unique Meditation Audios:Available either on CD or as an instant download, these specially designed CDs will keep you focused and will help ensure you receive the maximum benefits from your meditation sessions.If You Order Either Version Now You Will AlsoReceive These Valuable FREE Bonus Gifts:· Bonus Gift #1 – The Psychic’s Toolkit (a $29 value)Contains valuable tools that you can use to develop your psychic abilities faster and ensure that you enjoy the maximum benefits available from their use!· Bonus Gift #2 – “Portal to Spirit – Transition 2012″? (a $29 value)This powerful e-book is essential for your connection to The Source.As humanity approaches the year 2012 and the worldwide changes, which are already happening, this guide will provide you with the necessary guidance system to navigate through the current challenges we face. In other words this is THE GPS system on your path to spiritual evolution. This material is Channeled and was given to me to assist you in connecting to your higher self and to help you, to make the right decisions now, which can shape your future experience profoundly. After a brief overview of what is happening right now (and will happen in 2012) you will embark on a gentle and kind journey, with encoding between the words, to connect to Creator/Source on a deeper level. ?(153 pages)· Bonus Gift #3 – FREE One-Hour Coaching Session and Email Support (a $250 value)I want you to succeed! As a result, I’m also offering you this valuable free bonus which includes a one-hour complimentary coaching session with me, Annette Sassou. I promise to help you apply the tips, tricks and techniques revealed in my course to your particular situation. I will also provide you with the psychic development advice only a seasoned expert can provide. In short, I will give you that extra little push you need to achieve success faster than you ever dreamed possible! With My Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee, You’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!I am so sure that you will love The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course that I am offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply notify me within 8 weeeks and I will refund your money, in full, with absolutely no questions asked! That’s TWO FULL MONTHS to put this course to the test! I don’t think I can be any fairer than that. Either get the information you need to develop your psychic abilities and to start achieving your goals or get your purchase price back!You really do have absolutely nothing to lose!Plus, if you order the digital version of The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course now, you can take advantage of my immediate download feature to begin reading and benefiting from the course’s expert advice and comprehensive information in just minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the Internet before, it’s incredibly easy to do. Just follow the simple instructions.And by taking advantage of instant download, you will also enjoy these benefits:No shipping costs.No waiting timeSo What ARE You Waiting For?Order Now and Receive The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course for just $97That’s right, order The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course now and you will save $60 off the regular price of $157.But don’t delay! I must warn you that I can’t keep this course at this low price for long. It is far too valuable. To take advantage of this tremendous offer while it lasts …ORDER NOWTo Your Success! Annette SassouLife Coach and PsychicMediumAuthor of The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic CourseP.S. Remember my special promotional offer won’t last long. Receive The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course for just $97 before it is too late!P.P.S Also remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this special price while you can! If The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course isn’t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 8 weeks and I will refund your money immediately.P.P.P.S Let me give you one more reason why you should buy this course today:It gives you all the very best advice and information on developing your innate psychic powers in one easy-to-use resource. Why spend hours and hours tracking down information that may or may not be reliable when you can learn everything you need to know to begin using your psychic powers to succeed in life – and I do mean everything – from one convenient, inexpensive course?Click here to order todayP.P.P.P.S Still questioning whether this course is right for you? Email me at info@unleashyourinnerpsychic.com to discuss how it can benefit you in particular.Contact Us | Affiliate Program | Legal Disclaimer | Privacy Policy? 2006 The Psychic Institute. All rights reserved?
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